There is no Blame in Pain

Pain is difficult, often mysterious and gets to most of us at some point in time. The panic that sets in when a new pain shows up is pervasive and leads us down a rabbit hole that typically is not helpful. Dr. Google almost always makes an appearance. One of the pervasive thoughts that occurs to many of us is, something must be wrong with my body; I am to blame.

As a physical therapist I meet this thought process frequently when working with patients. Depending on the duration of symptoms, both the painful experience and the psychological warfare can become intertwined and leave the patient feeling hopeless. One of the most powerful tools in these cases is the understanding that there is no one to blame. It is no one’s fault that pain is present. In my line of work, pain is simply an outcome.

There are a number of options when it comes to addressing painful issues. I work as a physical therapist, movement is my primary intervention strategy. There are times when that is not the solution, where other health care practitioners can be the solution. The key point to remember is that just because one of these treatment options is not successful, does not mean that there are no options or that the problem cannot be solved. The problem can almost always be solved, but blame is not the way.


Austin Ulrich, Physical Therapist  


i’m in it with you

