Constant (Partial) Attention

Focus and attention are at a premium right now. Everywhere you look multiple people are attempting to draw your eyes to them and what they are doing. Most physical therapy clinics have fallen victim to this same mentality, in that the attention spans of the practitioners have become split. They are managing several patients simultaneously, limiting their effectiveness and coming up with less-than-optimal outcomes.

The need for individualized health care is hard to overstate. We are all searching for providers that genuinely care about our health and make the best decisions they can for us. The majority of clinics are unable to provide this level of care. They are required to meet a quota that drives the highest profit possible. A wonderful business model, but an unfortunate experience for the patients they serve.

A number of professionals are moving away from this type of work. There are high level individuals, in all sorts of fields, that are shifting their attention to more meaningful work. This provides them with the type of work they want to do, and it gives the consumers a better product. Physical therapy can be a part of this, and some are already doing it.

Meaningful work that provides a consumer with the desired product requires time and energy. The constant attention to detail makes all the difference.  Focusing on what is important, delivering valuable care and being an effective member of the community will bring back the lost art of the medical provider.


Austin Ulrich, Physical Therapist


Lifting Heavy Weights Makes You Slower

